LEE ANN WOMACK, “A LITTLE PAST LITTLE ROCK” Overdrive: Banks became the early pace car for limber rhymes in 2010s hip-hop with the lyric, “I’m so fly, I’m so ferry and the way I flow is very/ Ginsu or machete, way my pencil move is deadly.” - DARLENE ADEROJUĩ7. Make and Model: A hip-hop classic from 2010, “Beamer, Benz or Bentley” finds Lloyd Banks and Juelz Santana lyrically flexing about all the perks of being fresh, fly and so damn high.įuel Economy: With rhymes and bars that flow as fast as a 500-horsepower engine, Banks and Santana’s raps perfectly ride the track’s electric beat. Overdrive: Rumors are that Mitchell wrote the song about Jackson Browne or Glenn Frey, but we owe whoever kept her waiting a debt of thanks for inspiring such lines as “Fast tires come screaming around the bend/ But there’s still no buzzer/ They roll on/ And I’m waiting for his car on the hill.” - MELINDA NEWMANĩ8.

Make and Model: Mitchell turns waiting for her absent lover to arrive into a sonic masterpiece that sounds as innovative, ambitious and magical today as it did when it came out nearly 50 years ago on 1974’s Court and Spark.įuel Economy: Mitchell perfectly captures her fears that her once red-hot romance has turned tepid as her man is three hours late - and counting - but it’s the shifting tempos, bleating horns and choral interlude,all surrounding a funky beat, that keep the listener captivated. Overdrive: “Who’s gonna drive you home tonight?” All the history, intimacy, trust and distance of a relationship in one six-word question from motorist to passenger. 3 in the fall of 1984.įuel Economy: Truth told, “Drive” is pretty tangentially car-themed for a song with its title - the lyric is mostly focused on a man asking rhetorical questions to demonstrate his value in a relationship, which is the only reason the stunning synth-rock ballad isn’t higher on this list - but the central chorus Q (and the artist/song name combo) makes its appearance here essential nonetheless. Make and Model: The only Billboard Hot 100 entry for new wave greats The Cars with an automotive title to match their band name, “Drive” was also their biggest hit on the chart, motoring all the way to No. How Vin Diesel Gave Reggaetón Its Hollywood Moment in the 'Fast & Furious' FranchiseĬheck out our list below, with a Spotify playlist of all 100 songs at the bottom, and try not to run through too many red lights and stop signs when blasting them out of your Bugatti, GTO or Little Red Corvette this weekend.